Building people by healing hurts, meeting needs, and building dreams in Jesus Christ.

Grow. Fellowship. Serve
Everything we do is geared toward connecting people to become followers of Jesus Christ! We believe that every person has a God-given purpose inside of them. When God's Spirit moves on us, we move closer to God's Plan for our lives.

Grow Spiritually.
Genuinely connect with Jesus Christ. Build a life-long relationship with Him based on His Word. Have faith. Study, pray, fast, and apply His teachings. Use the examples of the Apostles in your daily walk. Let the Holy Spirit, that is Jesus, consume you, guide you, comfort you, and empower you.

Fellowship Consistently.
Genuinely connect with the people; that is the church. Open yourself up to new & refreshed friendships. Love one another. Make time for others. Connect with people who truly have your salvation at heart and compliment your Christian walk.

Serve Passionately.
Live with love, unity, and humility. Fulfill your responsibility as a disciple of Jesus by serving and caring for others. Use your unique God-given personality and gifts to positively impact your world. You can and should make a difference.